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HOPE Scholarship 2024 for Class 7 to 12 Students

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HOPE Scholarship 2024 for Class 7 to 12 Students | Kerala Scholarship | Last Date, Benefits, Advantage

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HOPE Scholarship 2024, advertised by the CETA GALAXY CHARITABLE TRUST, is a guide of opportunity for scholastically meriting understudies in Kerala, India. This scholarship program points to enable understudies from Grades 8 to 12 by giving them with significant budgetary help to seek after their instructive dreams.

This web journal post dives into everything you require to know around the HOPE Scholarship 2024 – its qualification criteria, application handle, benefits, and more. So, if you’re a shinning understudy in Kerala looking for budgetary bolster to exceed expectations in your thinks about, keep reading!

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Eligibility Criteria of HOPE Scholarship 2024

To be qualified for the Trust Grant, understudies must meet the taking after criteria:

  • Be an Indian citizen and a changeless inhabitant of Kerala.
  • Belong to any sexual orientation identity.
  • Currently enlisted in grades 8 to 12 at a government or government-aided school in Kerala.
  • Have secured a least of 80% marks (or proportionate review) in the last examination of the past grade.
  • Demonstrate proceeded scholastic execution with a least of 80% marks or proportionate review all through the grant tenure.
  • Come from a family with a evidently moo budgetary background.
  • Maintain a clean record with no history of submitting untrue data in the application form.
HOPE Scholarship 2024 for Class 7 to 12 Students

Benefits of HOPE Scholarship 2024

HOPE Scholarship 2024 offers noteworthy money related back to chosen understudies. Here’s a breakdown of the grant amount:

  • INR 5,000 for understudies in grades 8 to 10.
  • INR 10,000 for understudies in grades 11 and 12.

This budgetary help can altogether ease the burden of instructive costs, permitting understudies to center on their considers without budgetary constraints.

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Documents Required for HOPE Scholarship 2024

The application prepare for the HOPE Scholarship requires the taking after documents:

  1. Completed application frame (downloadable from the official website)
  2. Recent passport-sized photograph
  3. Copy of proportion card as verification of residence
  4. Applicant’s ID verification (e.g., Aadhaar card)
  5. Copy of bank passbook (ideally the student’s or their parent’s/guardian’s)
  6. Marksheets from the past scholastic year

How to Apply for HOPE Scholarship 2024

Applying for the HOPE Scholarship 2024 is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  • Click on the “Click Here To Apply” button provided at the end.
  • Carefully review the scholarship details provided.
  • Complete the application form and ensure all required information is accurately filled out.
  • Attach the necessary documents as specified in the scholarship requirements.
  • Finally, click the “Submit” button to submit your scholarship application.

Last Date to Apply for HOPE Scholarship 2024

Last Date to Apply for HOPE Scholarship 2024 is 15 July 2024.

Contact Details

Address: CETA Galaxy Charitable Trust, TC 8/1852, Tirumala P.O, Thiruvananthapuram 695 006.

Email ID:

Terms and Conditions

It’s pivotal to get it the terms and conditions related with the Trust Grant. Here are a few key focuses to remember:

  • The grant is granted exclusively on the premise of justify and money related need.
  • The choice of the determination committee is last and binding.
  • Maintaining a least scholastic execution of 80% all through the grant residency is mandatory.
  • Any understudy found giving untrue data in the application shape will have their grant discontinued.

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How This HOPE Scholarship 2024 Will Help You

The Trust Grant is more than fair budgetary help; it’s an speculation in the future of meriting understudies. Here’s how this grant engages students:

  • Reduces Monetary Burden: The grant sum essentially lightens the money related burden on understudies and their families, permitting them to center on their thinks about without stressing approximately instructive expenses.
  • Improves Instructive Openings: Monetary limitations frequently act as a boundary to quality instruction. The Trust Grant bridges this crevice, empowering understudies to get to superior instructive assets and opportunities.
  • Boosts Certainty and Inspiration: Accepting money related back can be a awesome resolve booster for understudies. It illustrates acknowledgment of their scholastic accomplishments and propels them to achieve their goals.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Applying for This Scholarship

Applying for grants can be an energizing prospect, but it’s critical to maintain a strategic distance from making botches that seem ruin your application. Here are the beat 5 common botches to keep in mind:

  • Missing the Due date: This is a significant point. Guarantee you yield your application well some time recently the July 15th due date. Keep in mind, late applications are not considered.
  • Incomplete Applications: Double-check your application shape to guarantee all areas are filled out totally and precisely. Lost data or deficient applications might lead to disqualification.
  • Inaccurate or Untrue Data: Giving wrong data on the application frame is a genuine offense and will result in preclusion, indeed if you are at first chosen. Be legitimate and straightforward in your application.
  • Not Editing Your Application: Typos and linguistic blunders can make a negative impression. Completely edit your application some time recently submitting it.
  • Not Connecting All Required Reports: Guarantee you have joined all the vital archives specified in the rules, such as marksheets, ID confirmation, and apportion card duplicate. Lost reports can lead to delays or disqualification.
HOPE Scholarship 2024 for Class 7 to 12 Students

Why Apply for the HOPE Scholarship 2024

The Trust Grant offers a plenty of benefits that can altogether affect your scholastic travel. Here’s why you shouldn’t miss this opportunity:

  • Financial Alleviation: The grant sum straightforwardly diminishes the money related burden of instruction, permitting you to center on your considers without money related stresses. This can be a game-changer, particularly for understudies from underprivileged backgrounds.
  • Motivation and Acknowledgment: Accepting the Trust Grant is a acknowledgment of your scholastic accomplishments. It can be a tremendous certainty booster and propel you to endeavor for indeed more prominent scholastic success.
  • Reduced Stretch: Monetary stretch can essentially ruin scholarly execution. By lightening money related weight, the Trust Grant can make a more conducive learning environment and decrease push levels.
  • Improved Instructive Openings: The grant sum can be utilized to get to extra instructive assets, such as tuitions, think about materials, or specialized courses. This can deliver you an edge in your scholarly pursuits.
  • Investing in Your Future: The Trust Grant is an speculation in your future. A solid scholarly establishment can open entryways to higher instruction and promising career opportunities.

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FAQs of HOPE Scholarship 2024

Q1: Can understudies from private schools apply for the Trust Scholarship?

A1: Shockingly, no. The Trust Grant is as of now as it were open to understudies enlisted in grades 8 to 12 at government or government-aided schools in Kerala.

Q2: What happens if my scholastic execution falls underneath 80% amid the grant tenure?

A2: Keeping up a least of 80% marks is a obligatory condition for proceeding to get the grant. If your grades drop underneath this benchmark, the grant might be ceased. In any case, it’s suggested to reach out to the CETA System Charitable Believe to talk about your situation.

Q3: Can I apply for the Trust Grant if I am rehashing a grade?

A3: The grant data doesn’t unequivocally specify qualification for understudies rehashing a review. It’s fitting to contact the CETA Universe Charitable Believe straightforwardly to clarify your qualification in this case.

Q4: Is there any age constrain for applying for the Trust Scholarship?

A4: No, there’s no particular age constrain said for the Trust Grant. As long as you meet the review level criteria (grades 8 to 12) and are selected in a government or government-aided school in Kerala, you can apply.

Q5: Can I get the Trust Grant along with other scholarships?

A5: The grant rules do not specify any confinements on accepting other grants nearby the Trust Grant. In any case, it’s suggested to check the terms and conditions of any other grants you might be applying for to guarantee there are no clashing clauses.

Conclusion of HOPE Scholarship 2024

HOPE Scholarship 2024 is a surprising activity by the CETA GALAXY CHARITABLE TRUST, advertising a guide of trust for meriting understudies in Kerala. By giving monetary help, this grant engages understudies to exceed expectations in their thinks about and seek after their scholarly yearnings. If you are a shinning understudy from grades 8 to 12 in Kerala confronting money related limitations, the Trust Grant is certainly worth applying for. Keep in mind to yield your application well some time recently the due date and guarantee you meet all the qualification criteria. With difficult work, commitment, and the back of the Trust Grant, you can accomplish scholarly victory and clear the way for a shinning future.

Overview of HOPE Scholarship 2024

Scholarship idCPSA24042200523
Scholarship NameHOPE Scholarship 2024 for Class 7 to 12 Students
Scholarship Open forBoys & Girls
Who can Apply ?Indian citizens & Permanent residents of Kerala, students from Grade 8 of Government and Government-aided schools in Kerala, with a minimum of 80% marks in Grade 7 final examination.
Scholarship Open forKerala
Scholarship AmountUpto Rs. 10,000 per student
Last Date to Apply15 July 2024
Application LinkClick Here To Apply