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CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024 for Ph.D. students | Last Date, How to Apply

Scholarships June 2024

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CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024 offers a prestigious opportunity for CSIR scientists to expand their horizons, engage in cutting-edge research, and collaborate with global experts. Sponsored by the CSIR-ISTAD Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, this fellowship is a gateway for exceptional scientists to enhance their skills, fill technological gaps, and contribute significantly to their research fields.

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CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024

Eligibility Criteria for the CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024

To apply for this esteemed fellowship, you need to meet specific eligibility requirements. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Citizenship: Applicants must be Indian citizens.
  2. Academic Qualifications:
  • Postgraduate in Engineering.
  • Ph.D. in Natural Science.
  1. Service Requirement: Must have completed at least 5 years of service in CSIR by the last application date.
  2. Research Contribution: Significant contributions to research or innovation at an international level.
  3. Age Limit: Must be under 45 years as of July 31, 2024.
  4. Purpose of Fellowship: Should aim to enhance skills and fill technological gaps, not for training or using host facilities for tests.

Scholarship Benefits for CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024

CSIR Raman Research Fellowship offers substantial benefits to its recipients, ensuring they can fully immerse themselves in their research without financial burden:

  1. Monthly Fellowship: $2,500 per month.
  2. International Airfare: Covered for round-trip by the cheapest economy class.
  3. Contingency and Preparatory Grant: $1,000 lump sum for essentials like chemicals, samples, books, medical insurance, visa fees, and other unforeseen expenses.
  4. Supplementary Grant: $1,000 for attending conferences or visiting other top institutions in the host country.

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Documents Required for CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024

Applicants must prepare and submit the following documents:

  1. Curriculum Vitae.
  2. List of Publications.
  3. Resume detailing previous research and academic activities.
  4. Statement of Anticipated Research activities while at the Raman Institute.
  5. Letters of Reference: Two to three letters from professional referees.

How to Apply for CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024

Applying for CSIR Raman Research Fellowship is straightforward. Follow these steps to ensure your application is complete:

  1. Click on the “Click Here To Apply” button provided at the end.
  2. Carefully review the scholarship details provided.
  3. Complete the application form and ensure all required information is accurately filled out.
  4. Attach the necessary documents as specified in the scholarship requirements.
  5. Finally, click the “Submit” button to submit your scholarship application.

Important Dates

  • Last Date to Apply: 30-Jul-2024.

Contact Details

For any queries regarding the CSIR Raman Research Fellowship, you can reach out via:

  • Email:

Key Information and Terms & Conditions

Here are essential details and terms you should be aware of:

  1. Designation: Recipients will be titled ‘Raman Research Fellow’.
  2. Duration: Fellowship period ranges from 2 to 6 months.
  3. Extension: Generally not considered beyond the initial period unless in exceptional cases.
  4. Salary and Benefits: Standard rules of salary, leave, medical, gratuity, GPF, and pension continue during the fellowship.
  5. Travel: Economy class air passage is covered both ways.
  6. Medical Insurance: Fellows must get medical insurance from an Indian insurance company before departure.
  7. Institutional Fees: Generally, no fee is charged by the host institution.
  8. IPR Protection: Fellows must take measures to protect any intellectual property generated.
  9. Bond: Fellows must sign a bond to serve their institute for three years post-return.
  10. Non-Return Clause: If the Fellow does not return or seeks overseas employment, the full expenditure must be reimbursed to CSIR.
  11. Research Focus: Fellows must devote their time exclusively to the chosen area of specialization.
  12. Progress Report: Quarterly progress reports and a final detailed report must be submitted.
  13. Expenditure Statement: A certified expenditure statement should be provided after the fellowship.

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How CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024 Benefits Selected Students

  1. Global Exposure: Gain international research experience.
  2. Skill Enhancement: Learn advanced techniques and methodologies.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Connect with leading researchers and institutions globally.
  4. Research Contributions: Contribute to high-impact research with global significance.
  5. Financial Support: Comprehensive financial package covering travel, living, and research expenses.

Top 5 Common Mistakes When Applying for CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024

  1. Incomplete Application: Ensure all sections are thoroughly completed and documents are uploaded.
  • Tip: Use a checklist to verify each document and application section before submission.

2. Late Submission: Submit your application well before the deadline to avoid technical issues.

  • Tip: Set a personal deadline a week before the official date.

3. Inadequate References: Provide strong, relevant letters of reference.

  • Tip: Choose referees familiar with your research and professional work.

4. Unclear Research Proposal: Clearly articulate your research goals and activities.

  • Tip: Have a colleague review your proposal for clarity and impact.

5. Lack of Preparation for Interview: Be prepared to discuss your research and proposal effectively.

  • Tip: Practice your presentation and anticipate possible questions.

Why You Should Apply for CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024

  1. Career Advancement: Elevate your research profile and career prospects.
  2. Cutting-Edge Research: Engage in innovative and high-impact research.
  3. Skill Development: Enhance your technical skills and research capabilities.
  4. Collaborative Opportunities: Work with leading global scientists and institutions.
  5. Comprehensive Support: Financial assistance covers travel, living, and research, allowing you to focus entirely on your work.

Frequently Asked Questions for CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024

Q1: What is the purpose of the CSIR Raman Research Fellowship?

The CSIR Raman Research Fellowship aims to support CSIR scientists in enhancing their research skills and capabilities, focusing on international collaboration and high-impact research.

Q2: Who is eligible for the fellowship?

Regular scientists of CSIR with a postgraduate degree in engineering or a Ph.D. in natural science, significant research contributions, and a minimum of 5 years of service are eligible. Applicants must be under 45 years of age.

Q3: What are the financial benefits of the fellowship?

The fellowship provides a monthly stipend of $2,500, international airfare, a contingency grant of $1,000, and a supplementary grant of $1,000 for conferences and institutional visits.

Q4: How do I apply for the CSIR Raman Research Fellowship?

Applications can be submitted online via the CSIR website. You need to register, log in, fill out the application form, upload required documents, and submit your application by the deadline.

Q5: What documents are needed for the application?

Applicants must submit a CV, list of publications, resume detailing previous research, statement of anticipated research activities, and letters of reference.

Additional Information

  • Selection Process: Applicants are selected through an interview by a committee constituted by the DG CSIR.
  • Bond Requirement: Fellows must serve their institute for three years post-fellowship.
CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024 for Ph.D. students

Conclusion for CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024

CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024 offers an invaluable opportunity for CSIR scientists to expand their research frontiers, gain global exposure, and enhance their skills. With comprehensive financial support, a focus on high-impact research, and the chance to collaborate with top international institutions, this fellowship is a significant step in advancing your scientific career. Apply now and take a bold step towards global scientific excellence.

Overview for CSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024 for Ph.D. students

Scholarship idCPSA24062700639
Scholarship NameCSIR Raman Research Fellowship 2024 for Ph.D. students
Scholarship Open forBoys & Girls
Scholarship Offered byCSIR-ISTAD Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Who can Apply ?Regular CSIR scientists with a minimum of 5 years of service, under 45 years old, holding postgraduate degrees in engineering or PhDs in natural science.
Scholarship Open forAll Over India
Scholarship Amount$2,500 per month, plus additional grants for airfare and contingencies.
Last Date to Apply30 July 2024
Application LinkClick Here To Apply