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Learn Complete Arduino Course For Beginners (Free Udemy Course)

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Learn Complete Arduino Course For Beginners (Free Udemy Course) : Learn Arduino starting from the beginning. Includes tons of sample code, hours of video, and great practice projects!

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What you will learn in the Complete Arduino Course

  • Understand what is the Arduino
  • Understand what is the Arduino IDE
  • Programming on Arduino IDE
  • How to work on Arduino without having it
  • What is Arduino simulator and how can it be useful to you
  • How to display what we want on one digit and four digit 7-segment led display and LCD screen
  • What is LED and how it can be controlled by Arduino
  • How to detect that button is pressed
  • What is a potentiometer and how can it be used?
  • What is Buzzer and how to play a melody on it?
  • How to connect and get data from several sensors: • Light sensor • Thermometer • Ultrasonic Distance sensor • Motion (PIR) sensor
  • Motors. What are the differences between them and how to control them?

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Learn Complete Arduino Course Includes

  • 7 hours on-demand video
  • 5 articles
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Requirement of Learn Complete Arduino Course

  • Knowledge of any programming language
  • You do not need any prior knowledge about Arduino


  1. What will you learn in this course Learn Complete Arduino Course For Beginners?
  2. • Short answer is you will learn everything about Arduino.
  3. • You will get – What is Arduino and what can be made with it?
  4. • We will learn how to program Arduino.
  5. • What is LED and how it can be controlled by Arduino
  6. • How to detect that button is pressed
  7. • What is a potentiometer and how can it be used?
  8. • What is Buzzer and how to play a melody on it?
  9. You will learn how to display what we want on
  10. • one digit and four-digit 7-segment led display
  11. • LCD screen.
  12. You will learn how to connect and get data from several sensors:
  13. • Light sensor
  14. • Thermometer
  15. • Ultrasonic Distance sensor
  16. • Motion detection (PIR) sensor
  17. You will learn about motors.
  18. • What are the differences between them and how to control them?
  19. • There will be some advanced themes like:
  20. • IR Remote and receiver
  21. • and Wi-Fi module
  22. In the course will be two milestone projects
  23. • Obstacle-avoiding robot
  24. • Get weather data from the Internet project
  25. What are the prerequisites for the course?
  26. • You should know the basics of programming in any programming language.
  27. Because in this course, we will not learn what is variable or if statement but we will learn how it works for Arduino.
  28. • You need to have a PC and internet.
  29. Should you have an Arduino KIT?
  30. • About 80 percent of the course, you will be able to pass in an online Arduino simulator.
  31. • The simulator can be a good start for you to get if you are interested in it and then choose whether should you buy the Arduino KIT.
  32. • The course has a 30-day 100% money-back guaranteed by Udemy

Who this course is for :

  • People who have no experience with Arduino and want to learn it
  • People who want to learn how to make robots
  • People who want to know what the Internet of Things is and how it works

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How to Get this course FREE?

Price & Validity

Actual Price : Rs.799/-
After 100% Discount : Rs.0/-

Valid for First 1000 Users or till the last date. Hurry up before it closes

Apply this Coupon : 802096242066C1D5799D (For 100% Discount)

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Note : Udemy Courses listed here are offered FREE only for first 1000 users or are limited by a date. If the 1000 users limit or last date is completed, the course becomes paid.