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Excel for Beginners

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Excel for Beginners (Free edx Course)

Edx Courses

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Excel for Beginners (Free edx Course) : you’ll learn how to effectively organize data, create formulas, and use essential functions. This course helps you master spreadsheet basics, empowering you to analyze data and automate tasks efficiently.

What You Will Learn?

Week 1: Getting to Know Excel & Entering Data

Week 2: Making Charts

Week 3: Manipulating & Summarizing Data Using Functions

Week 4: Bringing it All Together

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This course provides foundational AI knowledge but is not a professional certification. Ensure you meet course prerequisites before enrolling.

Important InformationDisclaimer
Beginner-friendlyNot a certification program
Free with optional upgradeCourse prerequisites required
Self-paced learningNo guarantee of career outcomes
Please complete the registration process before initiating the course.Please refer to the menu to explore all course concepts

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