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Scholarcy AI Powered Article Summarizer

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Scholarcy : The AI Tool for Summarizing and Understanding Research Papers in 2023

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Scholarcy is an AI-powered tool that helps users summarize and understand research papers. It offers a variety of features, including:

  • Automatic summarization: Scholarcy can automatically summarize research papers in a few concise sentences, highlighting the key findings and conclusions.
  • Reference extraction: Scholarcy can automatically extract references from research papers, making it easy to cite sources and find related papers.
  • Knowledge graph generation: Scholarcy can generate knowledge graphs from research papers, which are visual representations of the key concepts and relationships in the paper.
  • Collaborative annotation: Scholarcy allows users to collaborate with others on annotating research papers, making it easy to share insights and feedback.
  • Personalization: Scholarcy can be personalized to each user’s interests and needs, making it a more efficient and effective way to stay up-to-date on the latest research.

     Benefits of using Scholarcy

  • Save time: Scholarcy can help users save time by automatically summarizing and understanding research papers.
  • Improve comprehension: Scholarcy can help users improve their comprehension of research papers by providing clear and concise summaries, highlighting key findings and conclusions, and generating knowledge graphs.
  • Increase efficiency: Scholarcy can help users increase their efficiency by automating tasks such as reference extraction and collaborative annotation.
  • Boost productivity: Scholarcy can help users boost their productivity by making it easier to stay up-to-date on the latest research and find relevant information.
  • Improve collaboration: Scholarcy can help users improve collaboration by making it easy to share insights and feedback on research papers with others.

       Other notable features:

  • Chrome extension: Scholarcy offers a Chrome extension that makes it easy to access Scholarcy’s features directly from the web browser.
  • API: Scholarcy offers an API that allows developers to integrate Scholarcy’s features into their own applications.
  • Integrations: Scholarcy integrates with a variety of other tools, such as Mendeley and Zotero, making it easy to use Scholarcy alongside your existing workflow.


Q: What kind of research papers can I use Scholarcy with? 

A: Scholarcy can be used with any research paper that is available online.

Q: How accurate are Scholarcy’s summaries? 

A: Scholarcy’s summaries are highly accurate, but it is important to note that they are not a complete replacement for reading the full research paper.

Q: Can I export Scholarcy’s summaries? 

A: Yes, Scholarcy allows you to export your summaries to a variety of formats, including PDF, Word, and Markdown.

Q: How do I collaborate with others on annotating research papers in Scholarcy? 

A: To collaborate with others on annotating research papers in Scholarcy, you can simply share the link to the paper with them. They will then be able to add their own annotations to the paper.

Q: How can I personalize Scholarcy? 

A: To personalize Scholarcy, you can create an account and add your interests and needs to your profile. Scholarcy will then use this information to provide you with more relevant results and recommendations.

Pricing plans

Scholarcy offers two pricing plans:

  • Free: The free plan allows users to summarize up to 10 research papers per month.
  • Pro: The Pro plan costs $9 per month and allows users to summarize unlimited research papers per month and access additional features, such as collaborative annotation and knowledge graph generation.


Scholarcy is a powerful AI tool that can help users save time, improve comprehension, increase efficiency, boost productivity, and improve collaboration. It is easy to use and offers a variety of features that make it a valuable tool for researchers, students, and professionals of all kinds

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