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Learn to Rank Your Youtube Videos Higher in Search Using Tubebuddy (Free Udemy Course)

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Learn to Rank Your Youtube Videos Higher in Search Using Tubebuddy (Free Udemy Course) : Easy-to-Understand YouTube SEO // How to do proper keyword research for your Youtube videos for organic channel growth

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What you will learn in the Rank Your Youtube Videos Higher Course

  • The exact YouTube SEO steps we use to rank our videos on the first page of results.
  • How to come up with titles, tags and description for your videos, which will help you rank
  • How to do keyword research using Tubebuddy’s keyword tool.
  • Practical examples of optimizing different YouTube videos so you can understand the thinking behind choosing a good keyword phrase to rank for.

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Learn to Rank Your Youtube Videos Higher Course Includes

  • 3.5 hours on-demand video
  • 2 articles
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Requirement of Learn to Rank Your Youtube Videos Higher Course

  • This course Learn to Rank Your Youtube Videos teaches you how to do YouTube SEO with Tubebuddy. I talk about how to get Tubebuddy in the course, which you will need in order to follow the same steps we use to rank our videos. You can still apply the YouTube SEO principles learned here with other tools if you like.
  • DISCLAIMER: Please note this course called Learn to Rank Your Youtube Videos and instructor does NOT guarantee that you will ‘rank your videos fast’ after implementing these strategies because there are MANY other variables that play a role in ranking your YouTube videos higher in search, i.e. the industry you’re in, how often you publish videos, how long your channel has been active for, whether you have good quality content, etc. Watch the ‘Keep in Mind’ lecture in the Intro for more info.


  • Want more people to see your YouTube videos?  I get it. You put all this time into creating videos for your channel, so it’s frustrating to see so little views when you know very well how many videos per day are watched on YouTube (that number is approx. 5 billion by the way).   
  • We are full-time YouTubers and YouTube mentors.  Over 90% of the traffic that comes to our YouTube channel (called Essetino Artists – feel free to look it up) comes from people finding our videos in the search engines of YouTube and Google. 
  • We often tell our clients that the number 2 key factor for successfully growing your channel is understanding YouTube SEO and how to properly optimize your YouTube videos for the search. Number 1 is having good quality content.
  • Learning how to do keyword research for your YouTube videos doesn’t sound very sexy, but it’s a significant skill to invest in because once you’ve mastered it, your videos will be shown to more people and specifically those you want to reach – you get to leverage the traffic from YouTube and Google at no added cost to you.
  • In this course Learn to Rank Your Youtube Videos , you will learn the exact YouTube SEO strategy that we use to optimize every single one of our videos, and that we teach to our private mentoring clients.  To implement this strategy effectively, we use a paid tool called Tubebuddy.  You will need Tubebuddy to follow through these exact steps – please refer to the Tubebuddy section in this course to learn more.
  • In this course Learn to Rank Your Youtube Videos , you will learn practical steps for how to properly optimize your YouTube videos for the search engines so you can get more organic traffic to your YouTube channel. 
  • It is my goal for you in this course to take a seemingly convoluted and intimidating topic like YouTube SEO and turn it into a set of simple action steps that you can easily apply to each one of your videos consistently. 
  • Here are the steps you’ll learn:
  • How to do keyword research using Tubebuddy’s Keyword tool (and why that matters)
  • How to come up with an effective title for your videos that is both a) optimized for the search engines and b) attention-grabbing
  • How to choose the right tags to further optimize your YouTube video.
  • What to put your video description to further optimize your YouTube video.
  • Additional YouTube SEO tips like how the filename of your video plays a role in optimizing your video.
    …and more!
  • ALL SKILL LEVELS WELCOME.   If you’re ready to get more people watching your YouTube videos, enroll in this course now and I look forward to seeing you on the inside 🙂
  • Your instructor,
  • Auret Esselen

Who this course is for :

  • You’re on YouTube and want to grow your views and subscribers organically.
  • You want to improve how your YouTube videos are ranking in the YouTube and Google search results.

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How to Get this course FREE?

Price & Validity

Actual Price : Rs.1799/-
After 100% Discount : Rs.0/-

Valid for First 1000 Users or till the last date. Hurry up before it closes

Apply this Coupon : 2FEB2024 (For 100% Discount)

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Note : Udemy Courses listed here are offered FREE only for first 1000 users or are limited by a date. If the 1000 users limit or last date is completed, the course becomes paid.